#SunnahFriday - Eating


1. Say the Tasmiyah, eat with the right hand and from what is in front of you.

“O young man, mention the name of Allah, eat with your right hand and from what is in front of you” - Muslim

2. Eat with three fingers

“The Prophet (SAW) used to eat with his three fingers. This was his way of eating and is better, unless a need requires otherwise” - Muslim

3. Lick the bowl and fingers

Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said: “Verily, you do not know in which of it (in which morsel of food) is the blessing.” - Muslim

4. Praise Allah

“Verily, Allah is pleased with the slave who eats his food and praises Allah for it” - Muslim

The dua recited by the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) is:

“All praise is for Allah, who fed me this and provided it for me without any might or power from myself.”

The benefit of this dua is the the person’s past sins will be forgiven - Tirmidhee