Posts in lifestyle
Nature of Life in this Dunya

Today is and will always be a special day for me; and it reminds me of exactly what the topic of this post reminds you of. The dunya is a trial for all of humanity. Although there is so much to enjoy in this world, there is also strict warnings from our Rabb about becoming attached to them and forgetting out purpose here. 

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There is nothing wrong with wanting a woman that looks good but one must do well not to lose our gheerah. Gheerah simply is protective jealousy and the men who lack this are called Dayooth. A Dayooth is the man who doesn’t have protective jealousy of the women he is in care of. He is the man who would always show off his wife and her beauty in front of other men in ways that would stimulate sexual desires. He is the one who does not bother to protect her from the eager eyes of strangers. He is the man who is pleased by the admiring glances from stranger men toward his wife and sisters. 

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#SunnahFriday - Concealing Faults of Others

As Muslims, we must learn to conceal the secrets of others. The act of spreading to a third party what has been shared with you is highly frowned upon. It is sad that in today's society we are surrounded by people who do the direct opposite. They live to expose others and even go out of their way to dig out information on others.

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#SunnahFriday - The Real Muslim

Muslims around the world do their utmost best to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). He is the best example to follow. Islam is strictly against violence in any form, it is a religion that frowns on harming and oppressing people. As a matter of fact, an oppressor is cursed by Allah. A Muslim is a model citizen that is always in a constant quest to better himself. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the embodiment of the above hadith. He did not seek revenge, did not return evil with evil but forgave and pardoned those who did the most horrific things to him. I would be giving a few examples.

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Sunnah Prayers - Salatul Duha

Salatul Duha is an often neglected salah hence the tag 'the forgotten prayer'. It is attributed numerous names such as the Sunrise Prayer, the Victory Prayer or the Morning prayer to name but a few. This prayer should not to be confused with Fajr (the dawn prayer which is obligatory) as Salatul Duha remains a recommended sunnah prayer. Salatul Duha is a prized prayer and while it isn't compulsory, (the benefits which we will discuss) of just two rakahs of it make it worthwhile.

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Ramadan is Over; Now What?

Ramadan is a period when we cut ourselves off from the world and its allure. We strengthen our relationship with Allah. We fast, we pray more, we read the Qur'an more and reflect on its message and connect with it. We stay up late for the night prayers and sleep less. We seclude ourselves in the masjid. We seek out the Night of Majesty. We become in essence the perfect Muslim. The month of Ramadan is a process of self-cleansing. We should use the habits learnt in our everyday life. Learn how to continue these practices after Ramadan.

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